
Визначення парамерів подвійного електричного шару для моделювання корозії на межі метал–електроліт

Запропоновано структуру математичного моделювання корозії на межі «метал- електроліт». Визначено ємність і ефективну товщину подвійного електричного шару без урахування розподілу зарядів у електроліті.

The structure of mathematical modelling of corrosive processes on a interface ‘metal- electrolyte’ is offered. Capacity and effective thickness of double electric layer without the account of distributing of charges in an electrolyte is determine.

Моделювання адгезійного шару на межі «метал–діелектрик»

Описано методологію математичного моделювання адгезійного шару на межі «метал–діелектрик». Для перехідної області визначено ємність, ефективну товщину подвійного електричного шару, роботу адгезії, енергію адгезійних зв’язків.

Methodology of mathematical modelling of adhesion layer on a interface  "metal– dielectric" is described. For a transitional area a capacity, effective thickness of double electric layer, work of adhesion and energy of adhesive bonds is determine.

Determination of Heavy Elements (Pb, Cd, Cu and Cr) Concentration in some Water Sources

This study focuses on identifying some of the heavy and toxic elements concentration in several sources of water in Diyala Governorate in Iraq, such as the Diyala River and the Khіrisan River. The samples of tap water and bottled drinking water were taken three water wells from and two companies. The elements under study were: lead, cadmium, copper and chromium. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy has been used to determine the concentrations.


Two main methods of contact measurement of steel temperature are applied in industry: with help of disposable  and multiple  used  thermotransducers.  Reusable  ones  are  fixed  to  the  bottom  of  the  graphite  tip  fixed directly on the reinforcement. Then they are able to measure the temperature of the graphite surface. Since it needs to even the graphite temperature and the temperature of the melt metal, the measuring takes some extra time. Therefore the  thermotransducer  is mounted  in  the metal  for a  long  time.

Modeling quality of underground pipelines in the conditions of corrosive fatigue

The presence of fatigue cracks on the surface of metallic underground pipelines sharpens the problem of calculation values of strength characteristics at the action of corrosive environments, that did not find the complete decision nowadays. In this connection it is needed to correct the row of defects and normative and technical documents related to insufficient actuality of corresponding.

Modeling the adsorption connections and their influence on informational parameters of metal-electrolyte interface

The methodology of mathematical modeling and the information tools for determination of the influence of an adsorption on the physical characteristics of the electric double layer of the "metal-electrolyte" interface are described