
Християнські життєдайні норми: метаантропологічне обґрунтування

Досліджено життєдайні норми в метаантропологічному аспекті. Основну увагу
зосереджено на характеристиці чеснот. Доводиться, що процес чеснот у метаантро-
пологічному вимірі має природні детермінанти, адже християнські життєдайні норми
по-різному виявляються в буденному, екзистенційному та трансцендентальному
вимірах. Охарактеризовано життєву методику з погляду трансцендентного права.

K. Twardowski’s ethical legacy in its modern retrospection (the 150th anniversary of birth)

In the article, the author analyses views of the founder of the Lviv-Warsaw philosophical school, K. Twardowski, on the nature and origin of the morality and correlation principles of the altruism and egoism in human nature which are set forth in his program work «Ethics in the range with theory of evolution». The article asserts that, being an adherent of evolution theory, K. Twardowski argued that there were no innate norms of morality. Ethical norms are the product of evolutionary development as to their relative and variable character.

I. Kant and l. Feuerbach about morality and religion as the basis of spiritual formation of a man

In the article, the main categories of moral and religious consciousness (grace, faith, truth, love, morality, salvation, virtue, etc) are analysed and the features of their interrelation are shown. The use of the historical and genetic methods and the categorical analysis method allows to reveal the philosophical meaning of the main conceptions of Modern Times' morality and religion, their correlation and identify their relation to the processes taking place in the European spiritual life today.