
Analytical reliability model of a redundant repairable system with limited number of restorations

Modern complex mission-critical systems are built as fault-tolerant systems, i.e. having the ability to function while some of their separate elements have a fault. The complexity of such fault-tolerant systems makes their reliability models quite big and complex. Therefore, such requirements for building models, as the high level of credibility and the appropriate level of formalization, are imposed on these models, which allows to implement the automation to their creating and analysis of reliability and, therefore, using modern computer tools.

Estimation of operation reliability of control electronic systems with the use of maximum product problem

In the article there are presented the results of analytical research on the operation reliability of a complex engineering system using the example of a control electronic system. Functioning of such a system is suggested to be considered with the use of a maximum product problem. At the same time an adequate balance between its reliability and efficiency is chosen as a criterion for the estimation of its reliable and efficient functioning.

Research on efficiency of telephone networks with different structures

With the development of communication networks, their structures have also evolved and improved. Today the prospective development and construction of telephone networks of all levels of hierarchy calls for insight into their structures. The aim of this paper is determination and analysis of the efficiency of the most widespread structures of public telephone networks according to specific criteria for effectiveness.

Дослідження якості поверхні віброзміцнених деталей машин

В даній статті проаналізовано причини відмов деталей машин, зокрема відповідальних деталей бурового інструменту. Проведено аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Викладено методику досліджень, приведено результати експериментальних досліджень. Проаналізовано отримані результати, намічено шляхи подальших досліджень.

Approximation of trustworthiness of information objects of subject area ontology based on polynomial splines

The method of coefficient approximation of information objects domain ontologies reliability is proposed in the article. This method is based on polynomial splines. It makes it possible to remove unnecessary ontology objects that possess the reliability limit below a certain pre-specified point.