
Поєднання алгоритму RSA і побітових операцій при шифруванні-дешифруванні зображень

Стосовно зображень розроблено модифікації алгоритму RSA такі, що зберігається криптографічна стійкість і забезпечується повна зашумленість зображення, з метою унеможливити використання методів візуальної обробки зображень.

For images modified RSA algorithm is developed such that stored cryptographic and secured full noisy image in order to prevent the use of methods of visual imaging.

Використання адитивно-різницевих операцій в модифікаціях алгоритму RSA

Запропоновано модифікації шифрування – дешифрування зображень у градаціях сірого, які грунтуються на використанні ідей базового алгоритму RSA з додатковим зашумленням зашифрованого зображення і без додаткового зашумлення.

A modification of the encryption – decryption of images in grayscale, and are based on ideas using the basic algorithm of RSA, with additional noise encrypted image without any additional noise.

Analysis of environmental hazard parameters of the workplaces in steel plants in Nigeria

The steel plant’s workplace environmental hazard parameters in Ilorin, Nigeria was evaluated using response surface methodology (RSM). Three environmental parameters (illumination, temperature and noise level) were measured. The data obtained were compared with the Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) standard for the workplace environment.  Based on the preliminary analysis of the workplace environment, five variables (No. of lightings, no. of windows, no. of machines, no. of workers and age of machines) were considered as input parameters.

Influence of public transport ergonomic features on passenger's functional state

The article means an analysis of the passenger transport services quality issue. Researches of public transport routes ergonomic features and their influence on a passenger functional condition are provided. The analysis of such indicators as cabin occupancy rate, noise level, vibration, and acceleration was carried out. Mathematical dependences of the passenger functional condition change considering vehicles ergonomic features were constructed. Threshold values of passenger compartment microclimate, providing the stress index normative values were determined.

Analysis of the influence of sample rates on the Allan variance

The paper considers the problem of interpreting the Allan deviation plot for signals from sensors polled more frequently than data are refreshed. The Allan variance is a standard tool for analysis of noise terms inevitably present in signals of inertial sensors. There exists a well-defined algorithm for its calculation both for time domain and frequency domain. Having calculated the Allan variance as a function of time (or frequency) one fetches its square root, called Allan deviation, and builds its plot in a logarithmic format.

Recoverying Form of the Scattering Source Whose Field Is Distorted by the Noise

Scattering signals is one of the basic natural processes, which is a consequence of energy losses and manifests in the form of variety of radiation what propagating in space. The cause of the scattering signal is the interaction with the environment. The result of this interaction is not only scattering but also weakening the signal.

On the one hand scattering is considered as a negative effect, but on the other — as a possible way for finding form of the scatterer of the signal.