
Аналіз та класифікація програмних засобів тестування знань

Здійснено класифікацію відомих програмних засобів тестування знань, наведено основні модулі розробленої системи iLaT.

The article makes a classification of known software testing knowledge, are the main modules of the developed system iLaT.

Assessment of the Impact of the Risks of Foreign Economic Activities

Risk is an integral part of the economic activity of any organizations that operate on the market in conditions of competition under the influence of external and internal environments. The word risk is often synonymous with loss, failure, which leads to negative consequences. However, no matter how many scientific or practical works are devoted to this issue, it will continue to be relevant, as the world becomes more changeable and threats have become an integral part of our lives. Therefore, assessing the impact of risks is an important component of management activities.

Ways to increase the efficiency of sales activities of the enterprises of the food industry of Ukraine in the conditions of international economic activity

The food industry in Ukraine is a significant contributor to the country’s economy, with a range of products that cater to both domestic and international markets. However, the increasing competition in the global market and the changing consumer preferences have made it challenging for enterprises in the 

food industry to maintain and increase their sales efficiency. This article aims to address this challenge by exploring the ways in which enterprises in the food industry of Ukraine can enhance their sales activities in the context of international economic activity.

Assessment of the efficiency of foreign economic activity (on the example of “Mohyliv-Podilskyi canning plant”

For Ukrainian enterprises today – in the conditions of war – activation of foreign trade and strengthening of its effectiveness are critically important tasks.

Implementation of foreign economic activity by enterprises is a complex process that requires not only a significant amount of resources, but also a competent approach to evaluating its effectiveness. Comparing the achieved results with previous periods or competitors allows to determine the current level of efficiency of such activity and to make the necessary changes to the company’s strategy.

Evaluation of customs urgent instruments of anti – crisis management of enterprises in the conditions of European integration

The intensification of military and political instability and the activization of European integration processes necessitate the development and use of precisely urgent instruments at different levels and in different spheres. In the conditions of fulfillment of European integration obligations one of the priority directions requiring urgent reforms is the customs system of Ukraine. Along with the already implemented reforms in the customs sphere, there are still a number of unresolved tasks that require the introduction of effective and progressive tools.

Theoretical and applied principles of the efficiency of aviation equipment restoration

The results of the enterprise's economic activity are multifaceted and depend on many factors. Under such conditions, it becomes more and more difficult to evaluate the obtained results of the enterprise activity. This is especially difficult to do in the aviation industry, since the complexity of aviation equipment and the tragic consequences of its malfunction significantly complicate the calculation of the economic efficiency of the aviation equipment restoration.


One of the main problems of monument protection and restoration is to determine the value of the object of protection, including its stylistic purity. The method of system-structural analysis helps to investigate and substantiate the manifestations of the main features of style at different levels - urban level, object level and level of a single element, and thus argue whether a building is an example of a particular style. The application of the method of system-structural analysis is shown on the example of objects of Ukraine in the Art Nouveau style.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Foreign Economic Activities Management on the Basis of Target Indicators

The concepts of “effect”, “efficiency” and “effectiveness” were considered. It is noted that efficiency is a broader concept because it does not take into account the achievement of individual results, in contrast to the concept of “effectiveness”. The main key groups of indicators that are most often used in assessing the effectiveness of foreign economic activity management are presented.

Methods of Semantic Analysis in Annotated Generalization of Text Documents

The article is devoted to the use of semantic analysis in the generalization of text documents. The analysis of features of the most widespread methods of generalization of text documents and an estimation of quality of results of an estimation is carried out. Features of the improved method of annotative generalization of text documents, which uses the principles of hidden semantic analysis and elements of fuzzy logic to identify semantically important sentences, are presented.

Basics of Economic Assessment of Business Projects in Digital Business in the Conditions of European Integration

The realities of domestic companies’ activities necessitate a more thorough approach not only to the processes of business project management in the digital business in the conditions of European integration, but also to the economic justification of the relevant project solutions. Reasonability and necessity to use a variety of methodological tools for such economic substantiation can be different.