
Intensification of Drying Process During Activated Carbon Regenerationc

Heat-mass exchange processes during regenerated activated carbon drying was studied to determine the minimum height of heat-mass exchange zone and termination time of hot heating agent supply based on criterion equations and heat balance calculations. The heating agent temperature changes with time and the adsorbent bed height, as well as the time of moisture content change and drying rate were studied experimentally. Minimum height of a wet material layer ensuring rational use of the heating agent was determined.

Політермічна кристалізація солей із розчину калуського хвостосховища

In this article yields and sequence of crystallization of salts during cooling degreeal partially evaporated solution Каlush tailings were studied. Installed cooling temperature regimes which will provide obtaining sodium chloride, potassium-magnesium fertilizer, epsomite etc. Досліджено виходи і послідовність кристалізації солей під час ступеневого охолодження частково випаруваних розчинів Калуського хвостосховища. Визначено температурні режими охолодження, які забезпечать одержання натрію хлориду, калійно-магнієвого добрива, епсоміту тощо.