
Features of influence of doctrine of catholicism on state creative processes are in kyiv rus and Galicia Volyn’ State

This article is sanctified to the analysis of historical, political and legal principles of
Catholicism in Kyiv Rus and Galicia Volyn’ state. The main features of state-political
development of Kyiv Rus and Galicia Volyn’ state are investigated in the article. Attention is accented on a role and place of Christianity in historical development of the Russian state, and
also intercommunications of the Russian princes and Orthodox clergy are analyses with Rome
and Europeans catholic world in the context of influence of Catholicism on becoming and main

The human right to die in natural way as part of the right’s to life content (modern Orthodox ideas in the light of international standards)

The article focuses on the human right for life, especially to human rights to be die in a natural way. Such important questions as euthanasia, capital punishment (death penalty) and premeditated murder are analyzed in the article. The article analyzes the modern 163 interpretation of the Orthodox Church appointed on the issue, mentioned before. This interpretation is also compared with international standards; similar and distinctive features are detected by the way.