
Representative democracy as a form of implementation national sovereignty

The article looks at the nature of representative democracy as a form of realization of
popular sovereignty. The relationship of popular sovereignty and representative democracy is
analyzed. The necessity of using an expanded approach to the circle of people’s representatives
is substantiated. The normative, political and social requirements concerning the procedure
for the election of representatives of the people and the procedure for exercising their powers
in the context of the implementation of the people’s sovereignty are investigated.

Features, logic and parametrs of operationalization of president-parliamentary semi-presidentialism in European countries

In contemporary Political Science, semi-presidential  system of government is usually  understood as a structure of inter-institutional relations which simultaneously provides a popularly elected for a fixed term president and a prime minister/cabinet collectively responsible to a parlament. Nevertheless, different attributes and indicators of semi- presidentialism allow arguing that the analyzed system of government is very diverse and heterogeneous.

The methodology of scientific analysis of the system of parliamentarism

The article is devoted to the methodology of scientific analysis of the system of
parliamentarism and separation core component of the parliament. It is proved that the
formation of scientific and practical paradigm of the parliament in a parliamentary system
occurs with the use of a wide range of basic scientific approaches of collecting and processing
materials of legal reality. The attention is focused on the fact that methodological pluralism (a combination of philosophical, general scientific and special methods) becomes the basis of

Elite consensus as a condition for constitutional process in Ukraine

In the article, the author examines elite consensus as a condition for the process of Constitution creation in Ukraine. Four periods of the constitutional process in Ukraine are distinguished. The conditions of admition of the Constitution and Amendments to the Basic Law are analyzed in detail for each period in particular.

The problem questions that can be decided only by making alteration in constitution of Ukraine

Research is sanctified to the problem questions that can be decided only by making alteration in Constitution of Ukraine. An author is carry out the analysis of the most urgent questions that need a decision at the level of constitutional changes. In the article suggestions are examined in relation to a structure and method of forming of parliament, reformation of local government and organs of local self-government, delegation of powers of Constitutional Court of Ukraine, expansion of list of subjects of legislative initiative bodies and other.