правова аргументація

Domestic legal argumentation in defending of the ukrainian national case

The article is devoted to the consideration of the specifics of legal argumentation in defense of the Ukrainian national system.
It is determined that the modern doctrine of legal argumentation arose as a result of generalization and systematization of techniques and methods of controversy, which were common in ancient Greece. Of course, the ability to persuade people, to make argumentative arguments against their opponents, to support their facts, to influence not only the minds but also the feelings and emotions of listeners, has become extremely important.

Types of argumentation in court proceedings

У статті вивчено проблему виокремлення та особливостей видів аргументації в судовому процесі. Досліджено базові знання та навички, якими повинен володіти мовець для ефективного аргументування. З’ясовано фактори, які впливають на цей процес. Визначено місце підготовки та вміння оперувати інформацією як ключових агентів, які впливають на результативність аргументації в судовому процесі, зважаючи на його специфіку. Вивчено макроструктурні елементи аргументативного дискурсу, їх взаємозав’язки та особливості застосування.

Argumentative practice in legal activity

The article examines the problems of argumentative practice in legal activity. The emphasis is placed on studying the requirements for speakers as subjects of the judicial process. The factors influencing the effectiveness of argumentation are determined, namely: communication skills and abilities, knowledge, ideas, the value system of the speaker, emotional and psychological state, social status and role in society. The influence of these factors on determining the tactics and strategy of argumentation and selection of arguments is indicated.

Features of the legal argumentation in the communicative practice of lawyers: some aspects

Based on universally recognized theoretical ideas about the nature of legal reasoning and its importance in practical legal activities presented in the domestic scientific literature revealed a number of features argumentation process associated with legal communicative practice.