
Features, logic and parametrs of operationalization of president-parliamentary semi-presidentialism in European countries

In contemporary Political Science, semi-presidential  system of government is usually  understood as a structure of inter-institutional relations which simultaneously provides a popularly elected for a fixed term president and a prime minister/cabinet collectively responsible to a parlament. Nevertheless, different attributes and indicators of semi- presidentialism allow arguing that the analyzed system of government is very diverse and heterogeneous.

Strategist, leader and lawyer: projection on the present (to the 75 anniversary since the death of Konstantin Levitsky)

The article is dedicated to outstanding historical figures of the late XIX – early XX century, the representative of the secular intelligentsia of Galicia, which has managed to organize educational rights movement and Galician politics; head of the West Ukrainian People's Republic, the author of nearly fifty scientific papers, publisher of the magazine “Legal magazine” originator “German-Ukrainian Legal dictionary,” the author of “History of Political Thought 1848–1914 Ukrainian Galician. Based on the records and documents “and others.

Elite consensus as a condition for constitutional process in Ukraine

In the article, the author examines elite consensus as a condition for the process of Constitution creation in Ukraine. Four periods of the constitutional process in Ukraine are distinguished. The conditions of admition of the Constitution and Amendments to the Basic Law are analyzed in detail for each period in particular.

The legal analysis of the changes introduced supreme soviet of ukraine in constitution of Ukraine

Research is sanctified to the questions of reformation of Constitution of Ukraine,consideration of project of Law of Ukraine “About making alteration in Constitution of Ukraine (in relation to plenary powers of public and local self-government authorities)”, brought in by President of Ukraine in Supreme soviet of Ukraine in 2014, to the legal analysis him substantive provisions and to making of corresponding suggestions in relation to introduction of offer changes.