
Комп’ютерний засіб імітансного контролю об’єктів кваліметрії

Розглянуто варіант побудови комп’ютерного вимірювального засобу для конт- ролю об’єктів, що характеризуються багатьма параметрами.

The variant of construction of computer measuring mean has been is considered. The very means controls the objects that are characterized by lots of parameters.

Metrology, qualimetry and qualimetric measurements: theory and praxis

In the article, the main issues of interrelation between qualimetry and metrology reviewed and analyzed. Qualimetry is a branch of science where research subject is product quality quantitative assessment and as an each new science it has some theoretical and methodological problems. Solving these problems, according to the authors, is possible only in a complex combination of quality control methodology and metrology. Metrology, the science of measurement and its application, has the strong scientific, practical and legal tools, which allows research in any field of knowledge.

Analysis of methods and types of measurements in qualimetry

In the framework of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Industry – “Industry 4.0”, metrology becomes an integral part of the production process, the characteristic feature of which is the development and merger of automated production, data exchange and manufacturing technology into a single self-regulated a system with the least or no human intervention in the production process.