reservoir rock

Lithogenetic aspects of oil and gas systems formation in the Volyno-Podolia Silurian deposits

Objective. To elucidate the dynamics of catagenetic processes that occurred in the Silurian sediments against the background of an oil and gas systems formation. Method. The method includes lithology-facies, mineralogical-petrographic, catagenetic, and litho-fluido-dynamic analyses. Results.

Regularities of the spatial distribution of capacitor properties of rock-collectors in sarmatian deposits of neogene of Bilche-Volitskoy zone of Precarpatian foredeep

The purpose. The aim of the research is the prediction of the reservoir properties (porosity, effective thicknesses) for communication flow rate of gas production and further forecasting tributaries in new gas promising areas in the North-Western part of Bilche-Velickou zone of Precarpathian foredeep. The methodology of the research was to build a schematic maps of change in area of porosity and effective thicknesses. Results.

Litho-petrophisical heterogeneity of the reservoir rocks

Based on the results of our studies, three litho-types of rocks have been identified, their structure characterized, influence of post-sedimentary transformations revealed, etc. Leaching, sulphatization and deposition of ore minerals are considered as the changes superimposed upon the background lithogenesis. The diversity of the processes has resulted in significant petrophysical heterogeheity of geological cross-section, which has to be taken into account during idevelopment of the layers, introduction of the intensive methods, etc.