Russian language

The translation of Russian adjectives with the components -подобный, -видный and -образный into Ukrainian

The articles aims at revealing seme peculiarities of the Russian composite adjectives with the basic components -подобный-видный and -образный and their equivalents among Ukrainian adjectives united by the seme of affinity. For this purpose the adjectives are arranged in groups with the number of variants established in each of them. The articles considers the ways of adjective formation and deals with a number of issues connected with the semantic structure of Ukrainian and Russian nominations.

Ukrainian verbal nouns in -ння, -ття against a background of the neighbouring Slavic languages

The article deals with verbal categories inheritance of Ukrainian names of objectified processes (nomina actionis) ended on -ння, -ття and their counterparts in the Polish, Czech and Russian languages. It is important to solve this problem for a proper understanding of professional texts and writing of normative documents.