
The relationship between the concepts of "tactical purpose" and "tactical task" in the theory of operational and exploratory activity

In the article, based on the results of generalization of scientific positions on the research topic, it is concluded that such categories as "tactical goal" and "tactical task" are interrelated, but not identical concepts.

Methods of Knowledge Representation and Processing in Systems With Situational Awareness

In the article, the methods of representation and processing of knowledge in systems with situational awareness are described. The definitions of concepts and mathematical formalization of situation and situational awareness are discussed. Also, the process of getting situational awareness using ontologies is analyzed. We describe the core ontologies and ontological frameworks for modeling systems with situational awareness.

Системні та інформаційні динамічні компоненти і логіко-когнітивні моделі темпоральної дійсності при прийнятті оперативних рішень

It is analyzed and shown that the cognitive structure of the individual incorporates immanent temporal layer and owing to it a person is capable of constructive orientation in the temporal space when making active decisions in dangerous conditions.