
The Ability of Language To Reflect Reality: Reference Theory and Dictionary Theory. (Research Article)

The article deals with the fundamental problem of hermeneutics and the whole study of language as a means of communication - the ability of language to reflect reality.The study begins with an overview of the problem and the authors who dealt with it. This is followed by a detailed review of referential theory as the main and oldest theory in the study of language functions.

Automatization of functions determination and productivity of terms in terminology systems

The essence of the problem is the complexity of the analysis of large-scale terminology systems containing hundreds or thousands of terms. To solve this problem it is suggested to use the method of network analysis proposed by E. F. Skorohodko. The method involves the representation of the terminology system in the form of a matrix and the separation of the initial, derivative and final terms, as well as the definition of their productivity.

Problems of rehabilitation terminology translation

The article is dedicated to the analyzing of problems, occurred during the translation of rehabilitation terms from French into Ukrainian. The field abbreviations became the most difficult in the translation process – we were searching for decoding in the French explanatory dictionaries for physical rehabilitation / therapy, in scientific articles, textbooks and on Internet resources, sometimes a verbal translation was offered, since there were practically no translation options for an appropriate abbreviation in the Ukrainian language.

Розроблення Wordnet-подібного словника української мови

Проаналізовано організацію іменників у словнику WordNet, виділення сукупності іменників, що становлять основу лексичної бази даних української мови, упорядкування цих іменників на основі лексичних і семантичних зв’язків з утворенням ієрархічних структур, реалізація наявних зв’язків та побудова WordNet-подібного словника для частини іменників сформованої сукупності.

Statistics of words occurrences in natural and random texts

We study experimentally statistical distributions that describe the appearance of words in a number of natural texts, as well as in the random texts derived on their basis. It is shown that the probability mass function of the respective intervals between words is practically the same for the natural and random texts and manifests a fat tail, which is inconsistent with purely stochastic character of those intervals.