
Automated design of printed circuit boards made by electronic computer –aided design (CAD) with the next using in CNC- machine

The article presents methods and means of 3D design of printed circuit boards in CAx. Automated placement of elements on the board is implemented by means of API SolidWorks using Visual Studio C#. The API application works by an algorithm that allows you to create a 3D layout of printed circuit boards. Each component of the library contains a conditional graphic notation of the element.

Computer simulation of measuring transducers used for diagnosis of icing in solidworks software package

There is a number of disadvantages in existing systems of diagnosing ice formation on overhead electric power distribution lines, under the conditions of climate change. In particular, they do not meet actual precision requirements. A 3D model of a measuring traducer being the part of an improved predictive diagnostic system was designed in the SolidWorks software environment.