
Axiological Dimension of the Concept of the Soul in Pamfil Yurkevych’s Philosophical Works (Research Article)

In the article, the author analyses Pamfil Yurkevych’s vision of the interaction between the heart and the reason as well as analyzes his axiosphere, which is absolutely necessary for the development of our country. The author argues that Pamfil Yurkevych is the founder of the axiosphere, which was in compliance with the European Continental Philosophy’s understanding of the being-with-other (Mit-Sein) and it remains also relevant nowadays.

Theoretical and legal analysis of the relationship between the state and the christian religion in the «philosophy of law» Hegel

Analyzed scientific views of the great German philosopher Hegel’s dialectic relationship
and on relations between the state and the Christian religion. In his work «Philosophy of Law»
German philosopher deeply and comprehensively reveals the role and place of state not only in
the development and functioning of society, but also the Christian religion as an important
institution in the formation of spirituality and high morality in society.

Сoncept of personality: comparative analysis philosophical and legal schools

This article provides a comparative analysis of the concept of individual fundamental philosophical and legal schools. The founder of modern personalism of E. Mounier believed that the “I” man is the “primary reality”, and it is, in his opinion, there is a premise and reality of historical works. Personality – center reorientation objective universumu who reached the level of personal existence, is the subject of creating their own human reality.

Concept human personality in the philosophical and law school

In the article the concept of human personality built on the basic ideas of the leading right-wing philosophical schools. We consider the notion of "personalism" and the characteristics of its importance in contemporary philosophy. Researched historical basis and development of ideas of personalism and personalistic analyzes the major trends taking into account the characteristics of their basic philosophical concepts of representatives. The methods and the most important categories which uses existentialism in the interpretation of the rights and specificity of its existence.

The christian religion in the life and work of T. G. Shevchenko

Jn the basis of scientific, historical, philosophical and religious sources in the article analyzed the role and place of the Christian religion in the life and wod of the brilliant poet Taras Shevchenko, rating of philosopher of religion as an important factor in the formation of high morals and spirituality as an individual and all-people.

Spiritual and aesthetic aspects being professional lawyer: intelligible and sensyble comprehension

The article elucidates the role of the spiritual-aesthetic factor as one of the main elements
in the process of modeling professional being of a lawyer, which takes the part of the
personality self-creation and permeates his/her whole life. Nowadays the spiritual-aesthetic
factor is characterized by means of such concepts as a way of thinking, mentality, ideals and
values, aims, value orientations of a lawyer

Moral and phenomenological character nature of law

The article deals with the moral nature of law as a social phenomenon that is a complete harmonious formation, because its most important task is to consolidate and combine those parts of the integrated world of the society and man which are being destroyed. Under the natural and legal approach law is analyzed as justice, perfection, and truth.