

The technological parameters of the process and the design of the extrusion head for the manufacture of products such as pipe of polylactide composite materials by extrusion, its construction elements are calculated. Prototypes of a product made of biodegradable plastic were obtained.

Resistance of Polylactide Materials to Water Mediums of the Various Natures

The influence of talc filler, its content, as well as an additional heat treatment and temperature on the regularities of polylactide materials water-absorption has been researched. Based on the obtained data, the water diffusion coefficient in polylactide materials and the activation energy of the diffusion process were determined. It was found that the process of water absorption by the filled and heat-treated materials based on polylactide proceeds slower and requires more activation energy of the process.

Performance characteristics of polylactide-talc composites

The influence of the filler - talc, its content, additional heat treatment and temperature on the physical-mechanical and thermophysical properties of polylactide materials, in particular on the surface hardness, heat resistance according to Vick and thermomechanical characteristics has been studied. The influence of filler and temperature on the resistance of polylactide materials to the action of the aqueous medium is revealed. The diffusion coefficient of water in polylactide materials and the activation energy of the diffusion process were determined.

Вплив конструктивних змін одношнекового екструдера на переробку поліпропіленових композитів

Досліджено вплив конструкційних особливостей одношнекового екструдера, а
саме довжини шнека і кількості канавок незмінного перерізу в зоні живлення
екструдера, та кількості і природи наповнювача на продуктивність екструдера під час
переробки композитів на основі поліпропілену, наповненого скловолокном, тальком,
крейдою. Встановлено, що використання екструдерів, які обладнані зоною живлення з
канавками, впливає на процес екструзії загалом, а також змінювати характеристики