temperature stresses

Моделювання розрахунку інформативних параметрів біметалевих контактних термоперетворювачів

Викладено підхід до розрахунку деформацій та напружень у біметалевій пластині, викликаних зміною температури. Отримані розрахункові залежності є основою при математичному моделюванні біметалевих давачів температури різноманітних конфігурацій та типорозмірів.

The approach to calculation of deformation and stresses in bimetallic plate caued by temperature changes is made. The given calculation of dependence is the basis at mathematical modelling of temperature bimetallic indication of various configuration and typemeasures.

Temperature stresses in a rectangular two-layer plate under the action of a locally distributed temperature field

A rectangular isotropic two-layer plate of an irregular structure is considered, the edges of which are freely supported, and a constant temperature is maintained on them.  Two-dimensional Kirchhoff-type thermoelasticity equations and two-dimensional heat equations written for an inhomogeneous material were used to study the temperature stresses in the plate.  Using the method of double trigonometric series in spatial variables and the Laplace integral transformation over time, the general solutions of boundary value problems of thermoelasticity and heat conductivity for this plate under th

Mathematical modeling of the thermoelastic state in a circular disk with a crack due to the action of the heat source

Purpose. To determine the two-dimensional thermoelastic state in a circular plate, weakened by an edge or internal crack induced by a stationary heat sourse. This paper proposes using singular integral equation (SIE) to investigate thermostressed intensity in the vicinity of the crack tip, depending on the local heat source placement and identify typical mechanical effects.