
Theoretic substantiation and apparatus design for the energy-saving method during candied fruits drying.

The drying process of candied pears wasresearched. The process is a filtration of a heat agent in the direction of “perforated septum - candied fruit layer”. A kinetic drying curve, based on the differential equation of dynamics heat and mass transfer, was obtained and the heat balance of the process was calculated. The following was proved: the accumulated thermal energy in the lower layers of candied fruit is enough to dry the upper layers. The energy effect is calculated; it is obtained from the introduction of a new drying method.

Кінетика фільтраційного сушіння амофосу

The paper is dedicated to theoretical and experimental investigation of the kinetics of ammophos filtration drying. On the basis of experimental investigations, the criterial dependencies for determination of heat-and-mass transfer are received and the analogy between external heat transfer and mass transfer is determined. Розглядаються теоретичні та експериментальні дослідження кінетики фільтра- ційного сушіння амофосу.

Моделювання тепло-масообмінних процесів під час фільтраційного сушіння струганого березового шпону

A process of filtration drying of packed birch veneer is proposed. Experimentally determined heat-and-mass transfer coefficients depending on the speed of the thermal agent and presented in the form of criterial equations. Coefficient of internal diffusion of moisture from veneer sheets is determined and set its dependence on temperature. Запропоновано процес фільтраційного сушіння березового шпону у пакеті. Експериментально визначені коефіцієнти тепло- та масопередачі залежно від швидкості руху теплового агента представлені у формі критеріальних рівнянь.