thermal decomposition

Study on the Properties of Semi-Synthetic Motor Oil Castrol 10W-40 after Use in a Diesel Engine

The changes in operational and physico-chemical properties of original and used semi-synthetic motor oil Castrol 10W-40 before and after its use in a diesel engine have been investigated. Derivatographic studies were carried out to examine a thermal stability; IR spectroscopy was used to confirm the presence of oil aging products. The composition of the inorganic part of the studied semi-synthetic oils was established by X-ray fluorescence analysis.

Шляхи підвищення енергоємності біопалива на основі торфу і біомаси

The study is devoted to the influence of effects of biomass briquetting, granulation, and heat treatment to improve the quality of biofuels. Another method of biomass treatment, such as briquetting and granulation with bonding and thermal treatment at 275-295 °С is proposed. Дослідження присвячене визначенню впливу брикетування, гранулювання та термічної обробки біомаси на якісні показники біопалива. Запропоновані нові методи переробки біомаси з використанням в’яжучого та термічною обробкою за температур 275–295 °С.