tricone drill bits


During and after the technological operation of pressing these factors significantly determine the residual stress states of tungsten carbide inserts, as well as in the areas near the holes of the cones’ crowns of the cone. The stressed state of the inserts and the magnitude of the stress concentration determine their fatigue strength of them and the durability of the inserted carbide rock-blasting equipment of the cones in the area where the inserts the cone.

Improvement in the construction of the “Tungsten carbide insert cutter - cone” joint for tricone drill bits

Meet a claim is quite difficult in real production, even in specialized drilling manufacturers. Therefore, the development of reliable criteria for approaches to improving the technology of tricone drill bits is an urgent problem. This is great practical importance for domestic enterprise. The task is set to create rock-destroying insert in the basis of the developed construction. This allows you to increase the reliability of the connection between the cutter insert and the body of the cone.

Modeling of “combined cutter - cone” connection in tricone drill bits

A theoretical analysis of the stiffness of the “cutter-cone” connection was performed. In the article the character and magnitude of the tension at the contact of "cutter-cone" are investigated. An analysis of the surface of the openings for carbide inserts revealed traces of plastic deformation and fretting wear.