
Legal basis of the application of gender quotas in Ukraine

The article examines the legal basis for the realization of women's political rights in Ukraine. An important condition and guarantee for the establishment of democracy in Ukraine is the equality of women and men in all spheres of life of society and the state. Among the various aspects of the modern perception of the state of women in society and the state, the aspect "woman and politics" occupies a special place.

The System of US Presidential Election: Particularities, Problems of Functioning and Prospects for Transformation. (Research Article)

The article examines the level of democracy of the US presidential electoral system and the prospects for its transformation. To do this examination, considerable attention is paying on the main procedural aspects of the US presidential election, in particular, on the features of the organization of primary elections, popular voting and the expression of will of the Electoral College. Using general scientific, logical and empirical research methods, the weaknesses and strengths of the US presidential electoral system are analyzed.

The contemporary aspect of populism in the context of ideological norm

Problem setting. The article deals with the problems of populism in the context of ideology: conservatism and liberalism. The growth of populism comes after the destruction of the liberal consensus, which began after the Cold War, with increasing tension between democratic majority and liberal constitutionalism – the two main pillars of democratic regimes. Strengthening the role of populism shows the gradual loss of the attractiveness of liberal solutions in the field of politics, economy and culture, and ideology.


For many Ukrainians, the “window” into the world of news is television, especially television news. Having studied the news programs of all-Ukrainian channels, it can be noted that despite broadcasting local elections facts on all TV channels, they did not get such great media interest as the presidential or parliamentary ones, which may indicate little attention of central media to local politics.  

Interventional democracy as a form for the realization of people’s soverienitet

The article is devoted to the study of the essence of direct democracy in the context of the implementation of people’s sovereignty. It is substantiated that democracy of participation is one of the most effective and actual types of direct democratic governance in the modern world. The diversity of its institutions makes it possible to participate in the management of the state by every citizen if he has a sufficient level of legal awareness.

Проект виборчого кодексу України: недоліки та шляхи вдосконалення

Розкрито основні положення проекту Виборчого кодексу України прийнятого в
першому читанні Верховною Радою України 7 листопада 2017 року. Звернено увагу на
позитивні положення проекту та виявлено низку недоліків. Запропоновано можливі
шляхи його вдосконалення, зокрема, спростити структуру кодексу, форму викладу
окремих норм, вдосконалити визначення відповідних термів у проекті та дати їх
визначення на початку кодексу та інше.

Electoral Qualifications as the Attribute of Democratic Elections (Review Article)

This article examines voter eligibility/electoral qualifications as a fundamental part of universal suffrage. The authors use as a basis the typology of electoral qualifications, which provides for their division into 3 major groups: technical, protective and discriminative. In this study, we made a detailed analysis of the electoral limitations belonging to each of these three groups. In particular, among technical qualifications, special attention is paid to the analysis of age, citizenship, capacity, and residency requirements.

Law оf Ukraine “Оn local elections”: weak and ways to improve

Research devoted to consideration of issues of legislative support of the electoral process in the local elections in Ukraine. We consider the shortcomings of the current Law of Ukraine “On local elections”. The possible ways of improvement. In particular, the proposed election of deputies of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, district, city and borough councils under majority electoral system of relative majority. To provide age restrictions on the right to be elected.

Order of formation, structure and authority of the two parliament in Ukraine

The research is devoted to the consideration of problematic issues of the introduction of a bicameral parliament in Ukraine. It is proposed to form the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from two chambers: the lower one – the House of Representatives and the upper – the Chamber of Regions, so that the lower chamber consisted of 189 deputies, and the upper chamber – 27 deputies. In total, the parliament would have 216 deputies.