засоби масової інформації

Електронні засоби виявлення вербальної маніпуляції в ЗМІ

Аналізується використання вербальної маніпуляції у сучасних ЗМІ з метою впливу на поведінку та свідомість адресата, а також розглядається комп’ютерний контент-аналіз як метод виявлення вербальної маніпуляції у ЗМІ.

The analysis of verbal manipulation usage in modern media in order to influence on human behavior and consciousness and considered computer content analysis as a method of identifying verbal manipulation in the media.


The article analyzes the functioning of printed mass media – local periodicals, regional press, and all-Ukrainian newspapers and magazines during the first period of full-scale Russian invasion. Three groups of periodicals are distinguished. Local publications that have stopped publishing and stopped media business for an indefinite period of time. Newspapers that temporarily closed their activities changed the location of the editorial office and resumed publication in an online format in a relatively short period of time.


The article analyzes the Ukrainian experience of using media mystification in the content of all-Ukrainian TV channels. An actual problem is the use of the genre of hoax in the content of all-Ukrainian TV channels, with the help of which journalists demonstrate fake news or fabricated programs on television as real in the country and abroad. The scientific approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of "media mystification" are analyzed.

Peculiarities of legislative regulation of the sphere of information security: problem issues and terminological collisions in Ukraine

Problem setting. For a long time, the issues of information security have been considered in the national legislation of Ukraine through the prism of indirect legal regulation, and only in recent years there has been a tendency to develop new legal mechanisms in this area and streamline the legal system.


The article is about the fact that in modern mass-media photos more and more often become not only a visual background to informative, analytical or journalistic text, but as headlines attract attention of audience. Such kind of approach increases quality requirements of illustrative material in modern periodicals because popularity of texts which are published in newspapers and magazines depends on that. Some separate photos might become a kind of visual factage which does not need any verbal explanation. 

The role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption

The article focuses on the role of civil society and the media in the fight against corruption. It has been proven that effective anti-corruption activities seem impossible without the participation of society. The public, on the one hand, is a force capable of breaking the circle of continuous corruption in the state, and on the other, without its support, interaction with civil society institutions, anti-corruption activities of public authorities seem ineffective.

Media and Dynamics of the Language Norm: the New Feminitives as a Reflection of Modern Social Challenges

The language of the media reacts most quickly to changes in public relations, produces and actively uses words that nominate new realities, give them an appreciation. Тhe media not only reflect, but also promote new sociocultural patterns of behavior, they are drivers of changes in the perception and interpretation of social phenomena.


In this article you will read about the role of photojournalism in modern conditions, main problems and challenges which photojournalists and editors of modern media face while producing and creating visual content. The author has made an attempt to analyze moral and 30 ethical values in work of photocorrespondents and photoreporters, find an effective model of person’s work with a camera or any other shooter depending on requirements of owners and editors of the mass media. The author emphasizes on objectivity or subjectivity of visual content in modern mass media.

Function control as public in promoting domestic legal

The question of providing judicial and public control over the legality of the national proceedings. The problems of the judicial system in Ukraine and public control over the legality of providing email and other information by the judiciary and the media. The ways of solving them. The basic approaches, lines, components and tasks of social and judicial control. An analysis taking into account the public interest when making decisions.