Design features of criminology as a method of study of personality of university students in connection with the commission of mercenarily-violent crime

: 417 - 421

N. Bolibrukh «Design features of criminology as a method of study of personality of university students in connection with the commission of mercenarily-violent crime»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

In the article the features of design of criminology are considered as a complex method of research of personality of student of institution of higher learning, in connection with doing of mercenarily-violent crimes. Methodology of design of criminology is specified.
It is found out, that model of criminology of personality of student of institution of higher learning, in connection with the feasance of mercenarily-violent crimes, by the nature – is analytical, on maintenance – informatively-descriptive, after the functional setting – has for an object to assist the improvement of practice of prevention of committing crime.
Grounded necessity of development possibilities of the use of modeling method for research of personality of student institution of higher learning, in connection with a feasance mercenarily-violent crimes.

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