Genesis of modern concept of corruption: aspect of criminology

: 535 - 539

S. Yakymova «Genesis of modern concept of corruption: aspect of criminology»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article presents a historical overview on the etymology of corruption. Proved that its occurrence is associated with the formation of the state and law, the formation of certain social groups who perform power functions.
Considered evidence of corruption in modern society. Studies of political, social, economic, legal and moral aspects of corrupt behavior. Generalized, that a corruption is various in the displays, that complicates formulation of universal determination of concept of corruption, which would contain all spectrum it essence signs.
Accented on the specific of maintenance of criminology of concept of corruption as an object of preventive activity. In understanding of criminology a corruption is the special type of mercenary criminal activity with the use of official plenary powers or possibilities, related to held a position or grant of services in accordance with an agreement with an enterprise, establishment, organization. 

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