Philosophical concept of deviance (end of ХІХ – mid ХХ century)

: pp. 123 - 129

T. Ivanyshyn «Philosophical concept of deviance (end of XIX – mid XX century)»

Deputy Head of Department Head of Lviv audit management

The article outlines the main areas of research deviance as a social phenomenon in philosophical and legal context. Tracked the evolution of human behavior in the philosophical and legal discourse. Investigated that deviant behavior from the time of the emergence of a society always represented a danger to social stability, endanger the lives of people, societies, was considered undesirable, and a society trying to prevent and, if possible, block unwanted forms of human life. And the methods and means of prevention of deviant behavior determined by socio-economic relations, social being and social consciousness, measures of coercion and persuasion and so on.

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