Problem deviations in the legal system socio-cultural changes

: pp. 161 - 169

N. Martynyuk «Problem deviations in the legal system socio-cultural changes»

judge's assistant Frankivsk сourt Lviv

On the basis of a thorough analysis of scientific papers highlighted the problem of deviations in the legal system of social and cultural change. It was found that the phenomenon of deviance ambivalent nature and can mean both negative and positive social change. In the scientific literature rejection divided into primary and secondary. Those terms that society is negligible, considered primary, and subjects who commits them, do not qualify as devianta because they do not violate social norms. Secondary deviation are those that violate social norms and their subjects are devianta. Devianta - is the type of person who, violating social norms are not always able and willing to continue to live as before, according to the social requirements.
Depending on the dominant culture declined qualification behavior can vary dramatically: the fact that one culture is considered normal, the other is a deviation. Estimates of deviation change over time, with historical. According to the law converting quantitative to qualitative changes is addictive, psychological adaptation of the population to them. With enhanced intensity change in the estimates in the period of industrialization, especially in the cities. Thus, the relative behavior is rejected and can not be completely uniform criteria for its determination.

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