Features of building-technical examination from determination of overstating of data about the cost of the executed building and repair works

: pp. 433-440

L. Hula «Features of building-technical examination fromdetermination of overstating of data aboutthe cost of the executed building and repair works» http://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-1-number-865-14...

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

A question is considered in relation to realization of building-technical examination from determination of character of building-repair works with bringing in of budgetary cats. The order of realization of building is described for budgetary facilities. The process of realization of obligatory judicial examination of a project is an estimate documents is outlined for realization of building-repair works. The list of documents is certain that must be directed to the expert for determinationof overstating of data about the cost of the executed building and repair works. Basic problems are set from realization of building-technical examination from determination of present construction-works.


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