Representation of interests citizens and states in the court of conditions european integration of Ukraine

: 101 - 107

O. Velychko «Representation of interests citizens and states in the court of conditions european integration of Ukraine»

Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The article analyzes the legislative consolidation of the representation function of the procurator of the interests of a citizen or state in a court in the countries of the CIS and the European Union. The changes in the grounds and procedure for the execution by the prosecutor of representative activities in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Prosecutor's Office” of October 14, 2014 are considered.
It is concluded that the function of representation represented by the Office of Public Prosecutor of Ukraine in today's conditions is fully justified and justified, as evidenced by the results of many years of practical activity of the public prosecutor on the protection of the rights of citizens and the interests of the state in court. This activity is fully in line with the European legal traditions of protecting human rights and freedoms in the countries of the European Union.

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