General principles of carrying out acts that equal to notarial by public individuals and official persons of health care establishments of Ukraine

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Dolynska M. S. "General principles of carrying out acts that equal to notarial by public individuals and official persons of health care establishments of Ukraine"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

General principles of carrying out acts that equal to notarial by public individuals andofficial persons of health care establishments of Ukraine are examined.The author states that the legality of carrying out notarial acts mainly depends on thecorrectness of their implementation by both notaries and public individuals and officialpersons, who perform the acts that equal to notarial in addition to their basic duties.The analysis of normative acts regulating the procedure for the certification of wills andpowers of attorney that equal to notarial by public individuals and official persons of certainhealth care establishments, including the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “OnNotariate”, the Procedure for the certification of wills and powers of attorney that equal tonotarial, is made.The author considers the general rules of the certification of wills and powers of attorney thatequal to notarial by public individuals and official persons of health care establishments – a chiefmedical officer, a deputy thereof, or a doctor on duty of the hospital, or other in-patient health careinstitution, a director or a chief medical officer of the old people's home or invalids' asylum.The issues of the limitation on the right to certify wills and powers of attorney that equalto notarial are investigated.It is pointed out that public individuals and official persons must comply with the normsof the current legislation, including the Civil, Family, Land Codes of Ukraine, the Law ofUkraine “On Notariate”, as well as other normative and legal acts during the certification ofwills and powers of attorney.The issue of observance of notarial secrecy during the certification of wills and powers ofattorney is elucidated.

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