Theoretical and methodological aspects of the subject of social security law

: 42-49

Harasymiv T. Z.
"Theoretical and methodological aspects of the subject of social security law"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The  presence  in today’s  legal  discourse  of  a  large number  of  scientific  approaches to  the 
definition  of  the  subject  of  social  welfare  law  is  unjustified,  since  it  is  impossible  to  determine 
the  universal  criterion  for  distinguishing  this  branch  of  law  from  the  converging  branches  of 
law. In our opinion, the relations that constitute the subject of the right of social security in the 
main  number  of  their  material  nature,  as  well  as  not  material,  although  tangent  to  the 
material,  because  all  relations  are  related  to  the  distribution  of  benefits.  In  essence,  they  are 
property  relations  and  arise,  as  a  rule,  in  those  cases  when  a  social  event  occurs,  which  entails 
material  consequences.  We  propose  the  following  definition  of  the  subject  of  social  security 
law:  this  is  a  set  of  (system)  relations  that  affect  the  promotion  of  the  vital  activity  of  the 
individual,  support  of  a  person  after  adverse  events,  as  well  as  the  provision  of  appropriate 
assistance by the state and the creation ofappropriate benefits.

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