Concepts of legal culture as a compositionof a democratic legal state

: 65-70
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Building a democratic, rule of law is unthinkable without affirmation of justice, legal andmaterial protection of the individual, mutual responsibility of the individual and the state, improvementof legislation and legal culture as a whole. State-legal and national-cultural revival is possible only oncondition of respect for its own history, its philosophical and philosophical humanistic traditions, whichunderlie our mentality, determine the nature of the nation and the essence of legal culture. Therefore, itis important to realize your national identity, on the basis of which the national consciousness and selfconsciousness,justice, national and legal culture underpinning a legal, democratic state is formed.Today, more and more domestic philosophers of law are inclined to believe that law is a form ofspiritual experience of humanity, an integral part of the culture of the people. They define spiritualculture as a synthesis of spiritual values to which the legal sphere also belongs, and legal culture as a kind of general culture, as a sphere of human spiritual activity, which is a system of material and idealelements belonging to the sphere of action of law and which are reflected in the consciousness andpeople’s behavior. Being an element of general culture, legal culture cannot develop in isolation fromother types of culture, so in its functioning it cooperates closely with such types of general culture aspolitical, moral, ethical, aesthetic and others. But the most closely related legal culture is with moralculture and, at the same time, does not completely coincide with any other kind of culture. Its directlinks with the law make it unique and unique. These connections distinguish legal culture from otherforms of culture, and make it one of the main factors in society, giving it specific characteristics. Thespecial place of legal culture in the general system of culture is conditioned precisely by the role of lawas a social phenomenon.

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