: 204-211
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Design and Fundamentals of Architecture
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Design and Basics of Architecture

The aim of the article is to reveal the tendency to use images of the Constantinople capital's architecture in the projects of sacred buildings in Galicia at the beginning of the XXI century. Under the hieratopy of New Rome means the special status of Constantinople - the sacred center of the World Christian (Roman) State. After the fall of Constantinople, the image of New Rome became available for reproduction in previously remote corners of the Byzantine world, including in the construction of the identities of certain modern nations formed in the nineteenth century.

It is underlined that the hieratopy of New Rome became an important part of Ukrainian identity searching within the sacred architecture of Galicia. It is determined that in varying degrees, it was characteristic of the search for a national manifestation both in the period of the turn of the XIX - XX centuries, and of the Independence period in the turn of the XX - XXI centuries. It is determined that for this last period, an important factor was the significant improvement of relations between the Western (Latin) and Eastern (Orthodox) churches, the rehabilitation of Eastern traditions in Roman Catholic discourse.

Also the article shows examples of a number of buildings, which testify to different variants of architecture work of sacred buildings in Galicia (West Ukraine) with images of hieratopia of New Rome. Furthermore is given a ways in which it fits into the existing stereotypes of architectural manifestation of Ukrainian national identity and symbolism, as well as manifestations of Ukrainian national identity.

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