: 38-42
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Architectural Environment Design

This publication is based on author's experience in international Tempus projects. The author claims that the definition of competency profiles is a prerequisite for achieving the planned learning results. The areas of preparation for architects, that are correctly chosen, will contribute to their successful job placement and production progress.

The features are that there is a so-called dualism in the evaluation of learning outcomes of the architects in the higher schools. It is because of the fact that architecture is based, on one hand, on the knowledge of engineering and exact sciences, on another – on the knowledge of humanitarian, artistic and cultural principles.

This dualism accompanies practical activities of an architect after getting a diploma of higher education. Fact is that the activity of an architect is the subject of personal certification. In this case, the graduate of higher school of Architecture has to be adapted to the modern forms of making project production.

The author gives an example of experience of the Institute of Architecture of the Lviv Polytechnic National University. He points out that the updating of curricula, successful selection of teaching staff and the development of participation in international cooperation will play an increasing role in the future.

Also the national regulatory and legislative framework used by Ukrainian architects must be in line with European standards as Ukraine develops its progress towards European integration.

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