Definition of Professional Vector in Educational Systems of Training Future It Specialists

: pp. 142 - 150
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Information Systems and Networks Department
Lviv Politechnik National University, Department of Information Systems and Networks

Nowadays, the quality of vocational education directly depends on such characteristics as readiness for independent work, individualization of programs, self-improvement and self-development, the ability to acquire knowledge and use them productively in professional activities. Thus, the individualization of education plays an important role.

This article describes and analyzes the method of determining career guidance, known as the John Holland test, presents a model of its work and justifies the results. Also, the previously implemented recommendation system is mentioned and considered, which allows to form an individual educational trajectory for students of IT specialties. This system uses a sub-module for determining career guidance, which is implemented on the basis of the Dutch test. Accordingly, the use of the Dutch method in the work of the recommendation system for the formation of an individual educational trajectory will provide a more accurate and desirable result. Holland’s test was also used to survey the graduating class to choose an IT profession and showed unexpected results.

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