Improving the performance of a low-temperature water heating


Zaitsev O. N, Domoschey T. D., Zaitsev N. O.* / Зайцев О. М., Домощей Т. Д., Зайцев М. О.

Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
*Odessa National Polytechnic University

The paper presents the results of theoretical studies of the temperature field, velocity and pressure in the proposed design temoregulyatora. It is shown that in this case there is an almost linear regime on the coolant flow rate, which gives the opportunity to work in the hot water heating system with a constant hydraulic regime change in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the coolant only heating devices.
The system of water heating with low-temperature coolant through the use of hydraulically variable mode heating devices while maintaining a constant in the rest of the system and increase the range of effective operation of thermostats, allowing to reduce the required pressure in the heating system and capital costs by reducing the number of required balancing valves in the heating system

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