Технічні передумови влаштування геотермальної вентиляції пасивних будинків


Савченко О. О., Желих В. М., Дуднік К. А., Конончук О. М. / Savchenko O. O., Zhelykh V. M., Dudkin K. A., Kononchuk O. M

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра теплогазопостачання і вентиляції

The implementation of the concept of passive house construction allows you to save conventional fuels.Alternative energy sources are used as energy resources of life-support systems of passive houses. In Ukraine, much attention is paid to using the solar energy for hot water supply and low potential energy of soil for heating.
To maintain acceptable meteorological and sanitary and hygienic parameters in a passive house must anticipate mechanical ventilation system.To previous preheat outside air is advisable to use low potential energy of the Earth. That is why such systems are called geothermal systems ventilation. Currently, the implementation of such systems requires extensive parametric studies, development and implementation of engineering calculation methods, a comprehensive study of the possibilities of effective exploitation.
Technical prerequisites of use ground-air heat exchanger of geothermal ventilation and the results of analytical studies determining the temperature of the soil at different depths during the year are shown in the article. The graphical dependence of soil temperature during year for different values of depths of the heat exchanger laying are obtained. According to the research the recommended depth of laying of ground-air heat exchangers for Lviv was determined.

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