Теоретичний розрахунок накопичення дощового стоку на поверхні водопроникних удосконалених покриттів


Жук В. М., Качмар І. З. / Zhuk V. M., Kachmar I. Z.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра гідравліки та сантехніки

In the period urbanization and development of cities regulation of runoff is very important. The effective and perspective method of the runoff regulation is the use of pervious pavement (PP) and other structures of filtration type. Pervious pavement provides reduction of stormwater volume entering the sewer system, promotes its partial treatment and recharging of groundwater, ensures noise reduction and improve the safety on the roads.
The method of regulation of runoff using pervious pavement is widespread in engineering practice in many countries in Europe, USA, Japan and others. However, known methods of calculating these pavement rather simplistic and require improvement.
The paper presents the method of hydraulic calculation of stormwater accumulation on the surface pervious pavement. Process of filling the top layer of pervious pavement is modeling and the level of water on the surface of the pavement is determined. The dependencies of maximum water level on the surface of pervious pavement from the top layer filtration coefficient are obtained for climatic conditions of Kyiv. It is obtained that increasing of the filtration coefficient causes the decreasing of the rainfall critical duration, then water level on the surface of PP is maximal.

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