Особливості вертикальної гідроізоляції стін із кремнійорганічних рідин та сумішей на їх основі


В. В. Ілів, М. М. Гивлюд, Я. В. Ілів / Iliv V. V., Gyvliud M. M., Iliv Ya. V.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра будівельного виробництва

This article presents the results of a study liquids production ZDP “Kremniypolimer” for their application for obtaining or renewal of vertical waterproofing by surface impregnation and waterproofing during repair work through getting wet walls.
Through gradual cutting surfaces in the technological scheme drawing in several operations (mostly 3–4) “wet” on “wet” first HKZH-11N or HKZH-11K and ETS-32, AKOR-B100 or emulsion 136–157 M can provide sustainable building designs hydrophobic effect in their long-term use.
Between silicon fluids interact schemes to active hydrogen in liquid 136-157M and residual groups of silicon acid after hydrolysis ETS-32 and AKOR-B10
The length of silicone chain increases. Quickly precipitate formed, which covers the section of pores in the wall material, and the allocation of hydrogen gas creates a pressure in the pores, helping to fix the silicone polymer film on the pore walls.
It is also possible to use these liquids for the surface treatment of walls to protect them at low capillary pressures water or protection from the effects of rain or snow because of their hydrophobic with followed coating.

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