The use of social marketing to the promotion of energy-efficient construction


Sowier-Kasprzyk I., Ujma A.

Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Faculty of Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Energy-efficient buildings or passive in the coming years should become a standard in Poland and Europe. Energy-efficient buildings are generally more expensive than traditional, so there are some psychological barriers before making a decision on their implementation. Despite a significant increase in awareness of investors in this area it is essential to disseminate knowledge about the need and benefits coming from the use of such solutions. Changing standards for buildings results from changes in building regulations, the use of various forms of financial support and educational activities. Different types of promotional and educational activities increase the public awareness about the positive effects of the construction of buildings with high energy efficiency.
One of the promotional campaigns conducted in 2014 in Poland was a campaign under the title “The house, which saves me”, whose aim was to promote the construction of passive, energy-saving and renewable energy sources. This campaign was based on the creative idea of showing that a passive or energy-saving and using renewable energy sources building can reduce expenses of the owner, who can allocate funds for a variety of different consumer goods. It was assumed that this way of promotion will convince many investors to build their own home with the possibility of taking out a loan and its repayment of savings due to minimized maintenance fees.

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