Estimation parameters unsteady fluctuations crane systems with one degree of freedom of movement in the vibrovyprobuvan of mechatronic controlsystems

Received: May 27, 2013
Accepted: May 27, 2013

Chovniuk Yu., Dikteruk M., Pochka K.

When testing the crane systems via the wobble frequency method they undergo the consequent influence of vibrations at all frequencies of the set range. The choice of modes of the crane systems’ accelerated tests with respect to sinusoidal vibration influence at the changing transmitter frequency requires the definition of the dynamic amplitude frequency characteristics (AFC) of items of the cranes’ mechatronic supervision systems (MSS). The solutions of the loads traffic differential equation with the kinetic agitation as well as the results of theoretical and experimental tests of the cranes’ systems AFC at the unsteady oscillations have been presented (the method of the computer modeling of the MSS behavior with the unsteady oscillations of the crane systems where the aforementioned supervision systems are installed has been applied). The parameters of the dynamical AFC depending on the frequency’s scanning speed have been defined.

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