The efficacy management systems economic security – subjects of foreign trade

Received: September 24, 2015
Accepted: September 24, 2015

Cherchyk A.

Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

Article systematized methodical approaches to the estimation of economic security, interpretation proposed copyright of basic concepts, such as: economic security - is a state enterprise, where it has sufficient resources, access to markets, competitive advantages for achieving the development goals, mission and compete in the long term. Achieving this state will be determined efficacy management of economic security, which we see as a set of methods, techniques and procedures used by certain units of the company management aimed at efficient use of resources, security from external and internal threats, implementation goals, ensuring competitiveness. An important component of economic security is financial security, and indicators that characterize mainly relate to effective, because taken as a basis for assessing the level of economic security.

Author's method of estimating the efficiency of management of economic security company includes the following stages: study groups of indicators that will be used; filling sets of indicators; choice of research methods; calculation of integral index. In the study, the estimation of efficiency of use of material resources of the enterprise (efficient use of property); business activity; financial stability; risks (including the risk of bankruptcy); competitiveness. To determine the integral indicator used method of scoring and thresholds.

The method was tested on materials JSC JV "Terihem-Luck", which has foreign economic activity. In the 2014 financial position is satisfactory, but there is a tendency to reduce certain indicators that negatively affects its economic security. Thus, we can conclude that the level of economic security JSC JV "Terihem-Luck" was average. Research of indicators of financial condition allowed to use three-figure identify the type of financial stability and the value is confirmed that in 2014 the company was inherent unstable financial position when supplies are provided from its own working capital and long-term debt and short-term sources of credit and loans. Then the model was applied complex diagnostics risk of possible bankruptcy William Beaver. The following results: return on assets slightly decreased, which indicates a slight deterioration; concentration ratio of capital raised high, but decreasing, indicating that a significant portion of debt capital to total assets, low financial stability of the company; provision ratio of working capital tends to increase, and therefore to a significant improvement, a small portion of current assets financed by loan capital; coverage ratio is high and increasing, so is the trend towards improvement, adequacy of current assets to cover current debts; Beaver coefficient indicates a slight improvement, a satisfactory balance sheet structure and the low likelihood of bankruptcy. After analyzing the probability of bankruptcy PJSC "Lutsk-Terihem" with Altman model can draw the following conclusions: in 2012 the probability of bankruptcy is possible; in 2013 - a very low; 2014 - high.

Thus, the system of economic security company must continually evolve and improve, to adapt to external changes. The functioning of the management of economic security should take place in conjunction with the overall system management.

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