Unification assess innovative prospects of complicated technical systems as a factor in increasing the efficiency of r&d and public procurement management

Received: September 24, 2015
Accepted: September 24, 2015

Vorotnikov V.A.

DP “KB “Pivdenne” im. M.K. Yanhelia”

The problem of improving the management of public procurement and R&D complicated technical systems on the basis of the analytical apparatus unification assess their prospects of innovation through the use of innovation R&D results indicators. In conditions of the techno-economic data high uncertainty on the basis of patent data can be obtained figures that with reasonable certainty will characterize the degree of innovation in relation to the technical level and the justification of the innovations practical implementation.

At the turn of the present decade to identify promising research and development we have shown interest of many influential international organizations, including the European Union, the World Bank, the World Intellectual Property Organization and others. The main conclusion that can be drawn from their documents, is that the key role in the financing of high-tech R&D should belong to the state or interstate structures. Another finding is that the significance of projects is often linked to the level of innovation, for an objective assessment which used IP.

A rational approach to improving the performance of the national system of high-tech R&D is proposed to create complicated technical systems carried out by the scheme of public procurement. To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve three major methodological problems. First, to confirm the relevance enhance the evaluation of promising R&D, especially in the creation of complicated technical systems, due to the introduction of innovative component of prospects. Secondly, to formulate the basic provisions of the analytical apparatus improvement of forecasting complicated technical systems the prospects of through the use of innovative options innovations obtained on the basis of patents. Third, to prove the feasibility of a uniform application of the proposed analytical prediction tools innovative prospects for rational coordination of corporate and institutional tasks of management to create complicated technical systems.

The basic prerequisite for the formation of this study methodology is the possibility of using non-financial data about the prospect of complicated technical systems for assessing the investment attractiveness of R&D in public procurement scheme. The methodology incorporated a comprehensive approach to the unification of technical-operational, economic and innovative options in the integration of innovative index prospects of complicated technical systems. Data on the effectiveness of the target, which in the early stages of the forecast are declarative in nature, complemented by the innovative characteristics of excellence of the development object. They can be obtained on the basis of material patents protecting a conceptual image of the development object, which should be given numerical values, for example, by the gradation of ranks in importance, indicators of novelty, inventive step and feasibility. This allows you to extend the evaluation stage of early prediction when most of the basic data for the analysis have low accuracy and reliability.

In addition, the prospects for a comprehensive forecast of complicated technical systems take into account the whole set of indicators that may be of interest to justify the investments in R&D. The analytical apparatus support decision-making on the creation of complicated technical systems is proposed to introduce assessment of the prospects of innovation, which is denoted by the term "spillover" novelties and lower technological level, with the potential dual-use.

Using a standardized methodology for assessing the prospects of the complicated technical systems creation will improve the efficiency of management companies in terms of ensuring their competitiveness and the macroeconomic impact is a synergistic effect on the growth of the quality of R&D results.
Topical problems in further research is a quantitative assessment of the IP rights degree and their commercial value, and the development of analytical expressions to identify and correct matching between the values of particular indicators in the framework of a summary innovative prospects indicator.

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