Financial management in the process of innovation project implementation

Received: October 20, 2016
Accepted: October 20, 2016
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The paper studied the theoretical and practical aspects of the financial sphere in the process of innovation project. The characteristic of the term "innovation project". Considered an innovative project stage and given them a description. This definition of the term "business plan". Characterized sources of funding for innovative projects. The detailed analysis of internal and external sources of funding. An assessment of the financing innovation of domestic enterprises. The correlation between spending on innovation activities of enterprises. Indicated the necessity to support state enterprises involved in research and development . The primaries innovation funding domestic enterprises. Studied that a significant share in the funding take their own funds. Unstable political and economic situation in the country encourages foreign investors to invest in Ukraine. Foreign partners are afraid of incurring losses when investing. For the implementation and financing of innovative projects proposed performance evaluation. The net discounted income can get the final result of the innovation process. Internal rate of return to determine how much is effective or ineffective innovation project. The innovative design is effective if the figure larger than normal. Guidance principles of the system of financing innovative projects. The state financing innovation by domestic enterprises. The characteristic risks arising in innovation. Pointing indicators that characterize the effectiveness of innovation.

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