: 65-76
Lviv Politechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article presents the main regularities analysis of the information society development. The processes intensification of the scientific and technological revolution has led to a rapid increase in the number of technological processes, types of manufactured goods, services and goods for the population, which led to an increase in the volumes and variety of circulating scientific and technical information in society. In conditions of market transformations, virtually all organizational and production structures are in a regime of constant changes that are conditioned by scientific and technological progress, particular in the field of improving information and communication technologies. The issues linked to the increasing of the information volume, knowledge, communications, which are the main foundations of the new social structure, are considered. Economic research shows a direct interdependence between the spread of information technology and the competitiveness of individual organizational and production structures and regions as a whole. The peculiarities of the network environment, peculiarities of the dynamics of its development are revealed. The dynamics of strengthening the power of information and communication technologies, as well as the influence of these processes on the growth of production capacities of high-tech devices manufacturing, are analysed. The paper also presents and analyses the scope of application of graphical analytical methods for analysing the processes of implementing new information and communication technologies. The use of new information and communication technologies, taking into account the above-mentioned developmental patterns for the modernization of the organizations management systems, allows to form a real concept of innovation in the conditions of the network economy formation

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