: 113-121
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article presents the approach to the formation of effective management teams, taking into account the complex review of tasks that appear in front of the organization. The development of the modern economy marked the structural changes in which knowledge became the main driving force, and therefore the requirements for organizing managerial labour increased significantly. The path of scientific search for methods of building rational organizational structures lies in the plan of studying the human factor in the field of managerial decision making. In particular, the theoretical foundations of solving applied problems of adapting management systems taking into account the typological characteristics of specialists have been studied. In modern conditions, effective management is a set of purposeful actions regarding the formation of a team of managers aimed at implementing projects or a set of tasks in time under the influence of the external environment. The vision of managing an organization through a triad theory - policy - practice is presented, the essence of each specified element in management is revealed. Accordingly, an effective manager should be guided not only by economic knowledge, but should adhere to the policy of organizing the activities of the organization, possess management tools in practice. A typological approach is proposed with respect to evaluating the managers' worldview with regard to such an approach in a specialized three-dimensional space. It is shown that the set of functions of each specific manager can be represented by a certain cone of typical solutions. A method has been developed for the formation of project teams taking into account the cone of generalized functions and characteristics of the candidate managers. Unleashing such a task is raised to the problem of mathematical programming. It was confirmed that on the basis of close and precise interaction between the members of the management team and the active environment of the organization, an active field for making management decisions is formed. Comparison of expert assessments of the managerial work makes it possible to effectively form management project teams in accordance with prospective development of the organization. In its turn it allows to create the concept of adapting the management system of the organization, taking into account the human factor.

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