: 121-128
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article deals with the issues of effective project environment management in terms of globalization and convergence of information technologies. There is a diversity of approaches to the application of project management methods in organizations of different size or industry affiliation. At the subject level, the essence of adaptation and the need to apply this principle in modern conditions are revealed. The evolution of project management standards based on changes in PMBoK editions as the basic foundations of project management is shown. The essence of a narrow and broad understanding of project management adaptation is revealed. The expediency of a broad understanding of project management, which provides for the functioning of the expert environment, encompassing a set of related spheres of managed business processes, is substantiated. The main task of such an environment is to adapt the methodology of the project implementation to the requirements of a specific organization. The expediency of improving the project office information toolkit that will form an effective project environment is substantiated. It is shown that the scope of application problems only becomes more complicated over time. Support for the implementation of projects is determined first of all by the possibility of the involved participants project activities informational support. To do this, they use increasingly complex forms of information support for project activities, which are based on economic and mathematical methods. The prospects of application of economic-mathematical methods for the analysis of weakly structured and unformalized project management problems are determined. The tendencies of development of information support of project offices are analyzed, the main factors of its development are determined. A model of estimation of information support of the project office with the objective and subjective factors is developed. The set of main groups of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of information support of project offices has been determined. The results of the study may be useful for graduate students, faculty and staff of project organizations interested in current project management issues.

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