Management of socio-ecological systems in terms of socio-economic changes in Ukraine


N.M. Danylevych, M.Ya. Yastrubskyy, Ya.V. Kuznyetsov

 N.M. Danylevych-1, M.Ya. Yastrubskyy-2, Ya.V. Kuznyetsov-2

  1. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 
  2. Lviv Polytechnic National University 

The article deals with the issues of organizational development of socio-ecological systems management in conditions of socio-economic changes in Ukraine that foresee the development and approval of integrated state ecological-economic policy based on the ecological-economic system of market reforms and accounts for the mechanisms of the structural-functional model of the socio-ecological system manage ment proposed by the authors. 

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