Theoretical foundations of higher educational institutions innovative activities

Received: September 24, 2015
Accepted: September 24, 2015

V. Pirus

Khmelnytsky National University 

The relevance of research into innovative development of higher educational institutions is emphasized in the article.   The author considers Ukraine’s joining the Bologna process and adopting the new law "On higher education" that have increased the necessity of looking for such ways of education development that would correspond to modern demands. 

The process of reforming the national education has exacerbated the need to explore the specific properties of the education sector and educational services, its organization, and patterns of development with the aim of adapting them to market conditions.  New approaches to innovative development of higher educational institutions that would ensure their competitiveness on the educational market are being formed by domestic science. There is a need to explore new ways and methods of organizing the educational process, research, financial, economic and other aspects of educational institutions operation, i.e. introduction of innovations in all spheres of life.

The article discusses the research approaches to innovative development of higher educational institutions. Innovative individual development and educational innovations were analyzed by researchers mainly in the spectrum of the introduction of innovative technologies in the sphere of administration and in the educational process, but the issues of economic security of the innovative development were not considered.
There are outlined the main components of innovative development of higher educational institutions, namely:  introduction of innovative technologies in educational process; improving the system of organization and management of the high school; the qualifications and identity of personnel of higher educational establishments; the development of its research capacity, research and production of scientific and innovative products; formation of the economic mechanism that will provide additional financial resources; conducting marketing activities with the aim of expanding markets of educational services and customer satisfaction.

The areas of implementation of educational innovations are analyzed together with  the  individual group innovation which is associated with the student's needs and professional expectations; initiatives related to studying certain disciplines and supported by industry professionals and employers; innovations associated with the use of new information technologies; innovations relating to the reform of curriculum content, including  introduction of the modular system, semester structure with a new assessment system in response to the change in the content of academic disciplines and enhance interdisciplinary interaction; institutional initiatives, in particular policy decisions on a wide range of issues (e.g. regarding the use of information technology, applied aspects of education), teachers ' professional development; systemic initiatives including the establishment of new educational institutions by the government (for example, open universities); financing of the system changes, which encourages the increase of the level of entrepreneurship and the development of professional skills of teachers; innovation assessment.

The need to study the financial component of innovative development of educational institutions in the direction of identifying the specific characteristics of educational innovations and the implementation of analysis of their impact on the formation of the economic mechanism of innovative development of higher educational institutions is identified in the article.

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